Can I Resize or Upgrade My Server Myself?

SpinupWP is a cloud-based server control panel, which means that you have complete control over your virtual servers, and SpinupWP helps you manage them. With that level of control, it’s essential to know that it doesn’t mean that you should do something just because you can do something. You might want to resize a server…

Changing Nginx Settings

SpinupWP uses Nginx to serve web requests. The global nginx.conf file is located at /etc/nginx/nginx.conf. You should avoid editing this file unless you are sure you want to make a global change for every site on your server. When you create a site in SpinupWP, a new Nginx config is created for that site with…

Changing PHP Settings

PHP settings are controlled using php.ini files. When you deploy a server via SpinupWP, a default php.ini file is created with sensible default values. However, you are free to update these values. Each version of PHP has its own php.ini file, which is located here: /etc/php/{PHP_VERSION}/fpm/php.ini Any changes made to this file will impact all…

Connect to Your Server via SSH on Windows

Unlike macOS or Linux-based distributions, Windows does not come with a built-in terminal application that you can use to access an Ubuntu server via SSH, using public/private key authentication. However, you can use an application called PuTTY to generate an SSH key and use it to connect to your server’s command line. Download and Install PuTTY…

Connecting to your Database

Once you have created a database in SpinupWP you can manage the database in two ways: using the command line (CLI) or using a desktop app. Using the CLI To manage the database using the command line first you need to SSH to your server: ssh user@123.456.78.91 Once you are logged into your server you can…

DigitalOcean Floating IPs

DigitalOcean offers you the ability to assign floating IPs to DigitalOcean Droplets. Floating IPs are static IP addresses that can be reassigned to different Droplets that exist in the same data center. This is useful if you want to implement a failover mechanism. You can assign a floating IP to one Droplet and have a…

Disconnected Servers

At SpinupWP, we don’t lock you into using our service. You have complete control over your servers and you can disconnect them from SpinupWP at any time. However, this does mean you’ll have to keep up with security updates and best practices yourself. To disconnect a server from SpinupWP, select the Disconnect Server option from…

Enable Passwordless Sudo

If you’ve provisioned a server at your provider and are connecting it to SpinupWP, you will be asked to specify an SSH user. This is a Linux user that will be used by SpinupWP to connect to the server and set it up. The SSH user requires root privileges and must be able to run…

External Databases

When spinning up a new server in SpinupWP, you’re presented with the option to install database server software (i.e., MySQL) on the server or provide the connection information for an existing, external database server. Why Use an External Database? One of the benefits of using cloud server providers like DigitalOcean and AWS is that they offer…

File Ownership and Permissions

In order for some of WordPress’ features to function, it will need write access to your site’s files and folders. This is true of the following features: Media Library uploads Adding/updating plugins and themes Updating WordPress core If you manage WordPress core, plugins, and/or themes via git, Composer or some other deployment process, WordPress will…

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