Setting Up Site Email for WordPress

WordPress will often need to send emails to you or your users. These emails are known as transactional email, and common ones include: Admin notifications New user signups and password resets Purchase receipts and order updates (WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads, etc.) Form submission emails from form plugins Email servers are notoriously difficult to set up….

Changing the Primary Domain of a Site

There may come a time where you wish to change the primary domain that your site is accessible on. When you change the primary domain, SpinupWP will perform all of the necessary actions to move and update the files on your server. These actions include: Disable HTTPS (if enabled) Disable the page cache (if enabled)…

Recommended WordPress Plugins

The following plugins are installed with every WordPress site created and deployed by SpinupWP. However, for custom WordPress deployments you will need to install the following plugins yourself. SpinupWP This plugin adds page cache purging functionality to your WordPress site. In addition to automatically clearing the page cache for individual posts, pages, and other content…

DigitalOcean Spaces Storage Provider

This guide aims to help you set up DigitalOcean Spaces for storing site backups. Start by signing in to DigitalOcean. Create a Space Click Create in the header and select Spaces from the dropdown. Choose a datacenter region that’s geographically close to your server location. This will improve the time it takes to copy backup files…

Google Cloud Storage Provider

This guide aims to help you set up Google Cloud Storage for storing site backups. Whether you already have a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) account or not, you can sign in or sign up from the Console home page. Create Bucket Head over to Google Cloud Platform > Storage and click Create Bucket. Enter a unique…

Site Backups

This guide aims to help you set up automated daily site backups. Site backups are full backups of your site files (media, themes, and plugins) and database. Storage Settings Before you can enable site backups, you must add a storage provider, which are cloud storage providers where your backup files will be stored. Navigate to the…

Enable CORS to Resolve Web Font Issues

Sites deployed after June 23, 2019 will automatically have CORS enabled for webfonts. However, if you notice that font files aren’t loading correctly, or receive an error in the Browser Console about ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ headers, then you need to modify your server config. The following steps will need to be performed with a Sudo User. Start…

Customizing Page Cache Exclusions

By default, any POST request or URLs containing query string parameters bypass the page cache. Users who are logged into WordPress, or have items in their WooCommerce or Easy Digital Downloads carts will also bypass the page cache. In addition, SpinupWP excludes the following paths from being cached: /wp-admin/ /wp-json/ /xmlrpc.php /wp-.*.php /feed/ index.php sitemap(_index)?.xml…

Caching in SpinupWP

WordPress is a database driven CMS, meaning there are many moving parts when handling an incoming request. Out-of-the-box WordPress has to query the database and render the page before it can be sent to a user. This happens on every single incoming request, which is hugely inefficient if the page content hasn’t changed. A typical…

WordPress debug.log

When you install a WordPress site via SpinupWP, both WP_DEBUG and WP_DEBUG_LOG are enabled by default. This is because debug.log is useful for finding obscure issues which are hard to track down, especially on live sites. However, this often goes against conventional wisdom, which generally discourages the use of WP_DEBUG_LOG on live sites. Usually for…

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